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EVs Hit a Rough Patch

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Phuttaphat Tipsana / Dreamstime
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Thoughts On Our Channel

Aug. 7, 2017
Channel Marketing Group’s David Gordon has some astute observations on a whole bunch of industry news and issues, including some earnings & sales announcements, the concept of manufacturers providing incentives for distributors’ online storefront ventures and how distributors can generate new income from supporting manufacturers’ service agreements and extend warranties.

Channel Marketing Group’s David Gordon has some astute observations on a whole bunch of industry news and issues, including some earnings & sales announcements, the concept of manufacturers providing incentives for distributors’ online storefront ventures and how distributors can generate new income from supporting manufacturers’ service agreements and extend warranties. Here are his takes:

1. Q2 Distributor Performance … WESCO, AD, Graybar, Rexel and Grainger: 

 2. Channel Marketing and Funding … but for eCommerce Initiatives?

3. Service Agreements / Extended Warranties – Revenue Generator & Potential Differentiator: