Thomas Lighting, Louisville, Ky., part of the Genlyte company, was recognized by both the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a new fixture concept. This new design provides safety and comfort for many endangered animal species while allowing eco-friendly communities a functional and aesthetically pleasing source of light.
Varied problems have arisen while attempting to light costal areas, where endangered species of sea turtles come to lay eggs or rare migratory birds travel to claim their nesting grounds. The balance between the needs of man and the beauty of nature were in a constant struggle.
Thomas Lighting saw the need to light these popular tourist and residential areas while being mindful of the environment. Thomas Lighting's concerns led to the development of the Turtle Light, a white decorative sconce that suits the needs of man and environment. The Turtle Light is made of white injection molded plastic which is resistant to the corrosive, salty sea air. The design, which incorporates a shielded fixture with lateral light baffles, is recommended for use in areas adjacent to ecologically sensitive areas such as sea turtle nesting beaches, migratory corridors, and “Dark Sky Friendly” communities.
Thomas Lighting is extremely proud that the Turtle Light has been designated an official Wildlife Lighting Fixture by both the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Turtle Light met or surpassed all criteria set forth for certification by the Wildlife Lighting Program and is endorsed for use in a number of eco-sensitive areas.
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