
2010 New England Regional Forecast

Nov. 1, 2009
New England is weathering the recession a bit better than other regions, as unemployment is comparatively low and several large construction projects

New England Regional Forecast

Connecticut • Maine • Massachusetts • New Hampshire

New England is weathering the recession a bit better than other regions, as unemployment is comparatively low and several large construction projects are underway. The region's biggest construction project is in downtown Boston, which currently boasts a stellar office vacancy rate of 10.4 percent. According to The Boston Globe, the 30-plus-story Russia Wharf mixed-use project is scheduled for completion in 2011. According to McGraw-Hill Construction data, the region's largest construction projects are a $100 million renovation job at Morse College in Connecticut; a 600,000-square-foot addition to the Baystate Medical Center Hospital in Springfield, Mass.; and a 425,000-square-foot hospital job in Worcester, Mass. On the downside, the office vacancy rate of 21.8 percent in Connecticut's Fairfield County is its highest in a decade. In other sobering news, Rhode Island's unemployment rate as of August was a disturbing 12.8 percent.



in thousands




New England 27,720 635.5 905.8 4,557.9 Connecticut 6,880 172.0 229.0 1,053.3 Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT NECTA 1,260 38.1 44.6 285.0 Danbury, CT NECTA 410 NA 7.6 25.1 Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT NECTA 2,400 58.7 80.4 344.0 New Haven, CT NECTA 1,040 30.0 29.9 176.0 Norwich-New London, CT-RI NECTA 570 15.4 37.4 68.7 Waterbury, CT NECTA 410 9.3 9.3 39.1 Maine 3,110 53.2 91.7 395.6 - Bangor, ME NECTA 280 3.2 11.5 41.4 Lewiston-Auburn, ME NECTA 220 5.3 4.8 31.1 Portland-South Portland-Biddeford, ME NECTA 510 13.5 21.6 135.1 Massachusetts 12,280 269.4 398.3 2,197.4 Barnstable Town, MA NECTA 420 2.9 16.1 79.3 Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH NECTA 9,280 206.1 280.5 1,698.3 Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA NECTA Division 6,100 98.2 185.5 1,236.7 Brockton-Bridgewater-Easton, MA NECTA Division 290 7.7 14.1 51.3 Framingham, MA NECTA Division 860 25.2 14.2 100.1 Haverhill-North Andover-Amesbury, MA-NH NECTA Division 450 9.7 9.9 45.6 Leominster-Fitchburg-Gardner, MA NECTA 130 7.7 7.5 28.8 Lowell-Billerica-Chelmsford, MA-NH NECTA Division 630 18.5 15.8 64.7 New Bedford, MA NECTA 140 8.9 9.7 36.7 Peabody, MA NECTA Division 410 11.0 14.0 63.6 Pittsfield, MA NECTA 100 3.2 4.2 21.8 Springfield, MA-CT NECTA 1,110 34.2 45.9 170.3 Worcester, MA-CT NECTA 1,040 27.0 34.5 152.6 New Hampshire 2,340 68.7 83.7 414.8 Manchester, NH NECTA 600 8.5 9.9 68.8 Nashua, NH-MA NECTA Division 350 22.9 13.2 77.9 Portsmouth, NH-ME NECTA 390 3.8 8.7 38.3 Rochester-Dover, NH-ME NECTA 200 6.5 10.7 34.7 Rhode Island 1,920 41.7 57.7 317.3 Providence-Fall River-Warwick, RI-MA NECTA 2,270 53.4 65.6 369.6 Vermont 1,190 30.5 45.4 179.5 Burlington-South Burlington, VT NECTA 320 13.0 NA 78.9

Metro areas are metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) unless otherwise noted.

Metro Div. — Metropolitan Division NECTA — New England city and town area NA — Not available

Electrician employment for May 2008 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

M — Manufacturing employees for July 2009. Source: Current Employment Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

C — Commercial account employees (professional and business services, retail trade, financial activities, educational and health services, leisure and hospitality, and other services) for July 2008. Source: Current Employment Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

G — Government employees for July 2009. Source: Current Employment Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

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