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Winlectric Opens Location in Connecticut

Jan. 1, 2008
Shelton Winlectric, Shelton, Conn., now services electrical contractors in Connecticut's Fairfield, Litchfield and New Haven counties. Another Winwholesale

Shelton Winlectric, Shelton, Conn., now services electrical contractors in Connecticut's Fairfield, Litchfield and New Haven counties. Another Winwholesale company, Nutmeg Winlectric in Colchester, serves eastern Connecticut. “Shelton Winlectric operates like all of our Win industry companies in 44 states,” says Monte Salsman, WinWholesale chief operating officer. “Each company has a local owner and decision-maker to react quickly to customer needs backed by WinWholesale's central support services and nationwide distribution network. It's the best of both worlds for customers.” Shelton Winlectric is the first WinWholesale company to open in 2008. In 2007, 17 locations across the county opened among the Win companies in seven wholesaling industries and Noland Co., WinWholesale's wholly owned subsidiary. There are 462 Win local companies nationwide and 107 Noland branches, mainly in the Southeast.

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