Lighting manufacturer TCP Inc., Aurora, Ohio, a specialist in compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), announced a new recycling program for retailers, municipalities and schools that will make it easier for consumers to dispose of its energy-efficient light bulbs. TCP manufactures CFLs sold in the U.S. market through a variety of name brand and private label channels, including the n:vision line at The Home Depot.
“All CFLs must contain small amounts of mercury in order to glow and give light. Even with the trace amounts of mercury, which is roughly equivalent to the tip of a ballpoint pen, they should be recycled,” said Ellis Yan, president and CEO, TCP Inc. “The recycling program we have developed makes it easy for consumers to drop off a CFL at a retailer, city hall or even their children's school and feel confident that they have made the best possible choice for lighting their homes and helping the environment.”
Consumers who want to recycle a CFL will be directed to a RECYCLEPAK return box at a designated drop-off location. The consumer will take an individual collection bag from the recycle display, put the CFL in the bag and seal it. The bag will then be placed in the RECYCLEPAK return box and shipped to an environmental services company that recycles CFLs.
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