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Leviton Drives Awareness of Structured Wiring by Sponsoring Bob Vila's Dot-Com Dream House

Feb. 1, 2003
Construction on Bob Vila's Dot-Com Dream Home is now underway in the Spanish Hills development of Las Vegas. The custom-home building project uses Internet

Construction on Bob Vila's Dot-Com Dream Home is now underway in the Spanish Hills development of Las Vegas. The custom-home building project uses Internet resources to manage all facets of the home building process.

Visitors to can view construction photos in the “Builder's Journal” image gallery, watch instructional video clips from the builder and track the progress of the project via a live Web cam.

The 7,600-square-foot custom home also offers sponsors the opportunity to have their products showcased before more than 3 million consumers and home builders who are expected to visit the site.

Leviton Manufacturing, Little Neck, N.Y., is a title sponsor of residential and structured wiring products for the home. Leviton's products, such as the Enhanced Structured Media Platform, will equip the home with the wiring and components needed to support high-speed Internet access and computer networking, multi-room video, whole-house audio and family and home video monitoring.

“You're calling it a dream home, so you want it to be state of the art,” said Builder Paul Trudeau.

The home will also be outfitted with Leviton's Decora Home Controls, which provide automation of lights and appliances; occupancy sensors for hands-free lighting control, surge protective devices and upgrades of traditional wiring products.

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