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Database marketing: Time tested and Jobber approved

Oct. 1, 2003
From The Jobber's Salesman, the predecessor to Electrical Wholesaling, October 1920, under the "Pertinent Sales Facts and Figures" column:They'll ReturnA

From The Jobber's Salesman, the predecessor to Electrical Wholesaling, October 1920, under the "Pertinent Sales Facts and Figures" column:

They'll Return

A person once sold is always a prospect for other sales. There's a bit of philosophy for business that the salesman in the electrical industry should not overlook. Engaged as he is in a line of business that offers so many different products, this policy means more than average. It means that every jobber's salesman should encourage his dealers to keep an up-to-date mailing list. And on that list should appear the name of every customer that he has. The man who buys a toaster today will want an electric washer tomorrow, and on that assumption he should receive the washing machine literature.

Have your customers keep close to their customers-it's the best way to get the best results from their trade. If they are well satisfied, he can bring them back again and if they are not, then the dealer should know about it.

Jobbers' salesmen, if you can sell your dealers that bit of business philosophy, you will help your customers increase their orders.

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