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Advance Awards 2008 Beyond Illumination Scholarships

July 28, 2008
In commemoration of its 60th Anniversary and subsequent contribution of $60,000 to the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Education

In commemoration of its 60th Anniversary and subsequent contribution of $60,000 to the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Education Trust in 2005, Advance Transformer, Rosemont, Ill., awarded its fourth annual pair of $5,000 student scholarships to encourage education in lighting. Established in 2005 to recognize outstanding North American-based students and help support pursuit of their ongoing interest and specialized education in the field of lighting, Advance's “Beyond Illumination” scholarships will continue to be administered in the form of two $5,000 student awards annually through 2010.

“Student recipients of the ‘Beyond Illumination’ scholarships represent the ‘best of the best’ in the field of lighting, reflecting the outstanding intellect, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurialism, and integrity that have enabled both Advance and the lighting industry to evolve so successfully over the years,” the company said in a press release.

The 2008 recipients are Ericka Bailey of Texas Christian University and Lisa Friehe of the University of Nebraska.

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