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Infor Announces Conversion Package for Prism Users

Feb. 1, 2006
Enterprise software provider Infor, Atlanta, has announced that a conversion package for Prism users is available. The conversion package automates the

Enterprise software provider Infor, Atlanta, has announced that a conversion package for Prism users is available. The conversion package automates the data conversion process required for Prism users to migrate to a new Infor ERP solution, saving hundreds of man hours and making the process fast and efficient.

“Until now, Prism users have been faced with a difficult choice — continue using an aging ERP system with limited support and no plans for future development, or invest considerable time and resources to converting to a new solution,” said Jim Byrnes, senior vice president and general manager of Infor.

The package eliminates hundreds of man hours that would have been devoted to data conversion and ensures that data is transferred accurately, a critical component of any system migration.

The conversion package provides premapped templates and extract programs for an extensive array of data conversions and has been custom designed for a Prism-to-Infor conversion.

Said Steve Barker, chief information officer for Mid-Coast Electric Supply Inc., Victoria, Texas, “Infor's conversion package made our switch from Prism an efficient process that took only a fraction of the time it would have taken had we attempted the project without the conversion extracts and maps that were provided. The automated process maximized the effectiveness and successful results of our conversion from Prism and allowed us to quickly start realizing the benefits of our new Infor solution.”

Infor provides enterprise solutions to almost 18,000 customers in over 70 countries. For additional information, visit

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