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Training now Available on

April 1, 2006
The ElectricSmarts Network now develops online training programs for electrical manufacturers that are accessible to distributor personnel and end users

The ElectricSmarts Network now develops online training programs for electrical manufacturers that are accessible to distributor personnel and end users on distributors' Web sites. The ElectricSmarts' Manufacturer Thru-Channel Training program allows electrical manufacturers to work with the training team to create online learning and offer it to distributors' personnel and their customers in the field.

“Many manufacturers have told us that even when they create online training, it's often impossible to reach out and get the vast number of end users to come to their site to take advantage,” says Keith Peck, president of ElectricSmarts, Glastonbury, Conn. He added that Manufacturer Thru-Channel Training offers the following advantages:

  • Distributors are more closely identified with the brand and the products.

  • Training adds “stickiness” to Web sites.

  • Using distributors' “feet on the street” helps publicize training availability.

  • The program tracks the participants and provides distributors with ready prospects who have expressed interest.

ElectricSmarts' Manufacturer Thru-Channel Training is available to any distributor who is an ElectricSmarts content page partner and to any manufacturer who works with ElectricSmarts to develop training. There is no cost to qualified distributors for participation.

The ElectricSmarts Network provides electrical industry search function and on-demand Web-TV content to more than 60 distributor partners through its syndication program. Syndication partners can filter the content to align with their supplier line cards.

ElectricSmarts also offers distributors a branded Google-like Thru-Channel Tool Bar for their customers' Web browsers. The toolbar displays the distributor's logo with a search capability and links into the distributor's branded content package. The toolbar comes prepopulated with many valuable links but is fully customizable and can include links to contests, loyalty programs and more.

The network allows manufacturers to instantly disseminate rich-media product marketing and training content across all of their distributors' Web sites in one step. Content includes Web-TV programming, video demos, new product news, E-learning, press releases and more.

For more information, contact Bill Floyd by phone at (508) 540-9501 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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