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Philips Lighting Co., Somerset, N.J., earned California's 2002 “Flex Your Power” Energy Conservation Award for its efforts in promoting energy conservation and efficiency measures. The award, a component of California's broad-ranging campaign to address its challenging energy situation, recognizes Philips' achievements — including its Berkeley-based “Energy Blueprint for the Nation” and business education program conducted with Home Depot — among the best in the state.
In June 2001, Philips Lighting relamped an entire city block in Berkeley, Calif., with energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and linear fluorescents to create an “energy blueprint,” documenting a dramatic reduction in energy usage and cost.
Aside from helping Berkeley realize annual cost savings of 45 percent, the combination of CFLs and Philips' ALTO fluorescent lamps contributed to a dramatic source reduction in mercury. ALTO lamps are the lowest mercury content and the only lamps that meet California's stringent TTLC test for nonhazardous waste.
In addition to spearheading the Berkeley project, Philips participated in tie-in programs with California utilities, provided leadership in public school education and worked with The Home Depot to provide 750,000 compact fluorescent lamps to the state for distribution among low-income families.
Philips also tackled the issue of business energy conservation by working with The Home Depot to conduct a comprehensive business-to-business energy education program. Several Philips and third-party experts trained local Home Depot associates to perform energy evaluations and develop recommendations for local businesses, which helped to identify and curb excessive energy expenditures.
California bestows a “Flex Your Power” Energy Conservation Award to honor organizations that provide leadership in implementing conservation measures.
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