
The Top 200 - 2015's Largest Electrical Distributors

June 11, 2015
Here's Electrical Wholesaling's 2015 ranking of the largest electrical distributors.
Find out which electrical distributors made the Top 200 Electrical Distributors and ' get more detailed information on the 50 largest companies by clicking on the links to capsule summaries on each of them. Electrical Wholesaling's editors will be adding more capsule summaries over the next few months.

We will only have capsule summaries for the  2015 Top 200 distributors that provided responded to this year's survey, where we had data from recent Top 200 listings, or where we could find the data from other dependable sources. If  you would like to provide additional data for your company, or send along an image of your company's senior executive, please email it to Jim Lucy, chief editor, Electrical Wholesaling, at [email protected].

Links to other great info on the Top 200

Top 10 distributors on the 2015 listing

Find a Top 200 Electrical Distributor - EW's new Google Maps tool to locate headquarters locations of the largest distributors in North America.

2014's Top 200 listing

2013's Top 200 listing

Footnotes for this year's listing: NA - Not available; * - Data for North America; ** - Worldwide data; # -Acquired in 2014; ## - Acquired in 2015

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