As part of its 90th Anniversary Celebration, over the next few months Electrical Wholesaling magazine will be running features on many of the giants of the electrical industry. Who better to feature first than Thomas Edison?
Next month will mark the 135th anniversary of Thomas Edison’s first successful test of an incandescent lightbulb. As one of the greatest inventors of all time and a founder of the modern electrical industry, Edison was by any definition a true genius. Part showman, part engineer and a 100% practical inventor, Edison accumulated 1,093 patents in his lifetime. He is generally credited with inventing or developing the first practical electric lightbulb, phonograph, motion picture camera and electric generating station, along with a staggering number of lesser-known inventions. These 10 quotes from Thomas Edison offer some insight into how he accomplished as much as he did in his lifetime. It should be no surprise that hard work is a common thread running through most of them.
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