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LEDtronics Advises Rep. Chu on LED Technology

May 1, 2010
Executives at LEDtronics, Inc., Torrance, Calif., had a valuable opportunity to provide some insight on solid-state lighting and energy efficiency to

Executives at LEDtronics, Inc., Torrance, Calif., had a valuable opportunity to provide some insight on solid-state lighting and energy efficiency to their Congressional representative last month. Pervaiz Lodhie, president and CEO of LEDtronics, along with other company executives, sat down with Dr. Judy Chu, who represents California's 32nd district in the U.S. House of Representatives, to discuss technological advances in light-emitting diodes (LED) and the contributions LED lighting applications might bring to energy conservation on a national level.

LEDtronics hosted the roundtable meeting in its Torrance headquarters on April 6. In her first term, Chu has shown particular interest in environmental legislation. During the two-hour gathering, Lodhie and company explained the latest innovations in LED technology and its potential to contribute to energy efficiency and to reducing greenhouse gases and creating green jobs.

“The solid-state lighting and solar energy industries are the top job creators in the U.S. today,” said Lodhie. “In addition, these cutting-edge technologies spur innovation, boost domestic manufacturing and re-affirm the U.S. as the leader in technological ingenuity around the world,” he added.

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