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Can a simple action like changing a lighting fixture help change the world? Indeed, it can. Sea Gull Lighting, a manufacturer and marketer of decorative and functional lighting fixtures, lamps and accessories, is eager to spread the word about the world-changing potential of energy-efficient lighting fixtures.
“We're very pleased to be active participants in the EPA's Energy Star ‘Change a Light, Change the World’ program,” said Ace Rosenstein, Sea Gull Lighting's vice president of marketing and business development. “This is a major promotional effort by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.”
As part of the promotion, Sea Gull Lighting is drawing special attention to Energy Star labeled lighting, which uses 50 to 75 percent less energy than standard light fixtures.
“Energy Star labeled light fixtures provide all the features of standard fixtures, but they are energy efficient and last up to 10 times longer,” Rosenstein explained. This means consumers can save money on their electric bills and help protect the environment at the same time.
As a charter partner in the Energy Star program, Sea Gull Lighting features a comprehensive selection of lighting fixtures that are both energy efficient and attractive. Energy-Star compliant products meet specified energy efficiency and quality criteria to assure that consumers will not sacrifice performance to save energy.
The EPA noted that there is often a great deal of misunderstanding regarding the potential energy savings that can be achieved through the right lighting choices.
For example, a 13W compact fluorescent bulb — also know as CFL — emits about the same number of lumens as a 60W incandescent bulb; so, you have equal brightness.
Incandescent bulbs expend 90 percent of their energy in creating heat, while fluorescent light expends only 20 percent of its energy as heat — 80 percent of the energy is used to create light.
“Overall, the savings in energy consumption are tremendous,” said Rosenstein.
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