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Tesla Solar Roof

Tesla Prepares to Offer Version #3 of its Solar Roof

June 16, 2019
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is trying to drive down the cost of his company's solar roof .

Although Tesla has not sold as any of its solar roofs as initially expected, the company is getting ready to offer the third version of the roof, according to a recent post at After the initial rollout of the Tesla Solar Roof in 2017, sales have been slow, according to various media reports. Electrek reported that Tesla CEO Elon Musk said at the company’s recent annual shareholders meeting that he hopes to bring the cost of the roof down to a level competitive with conventional technologies very soon.

“We have a shot at being equal to a comp shingle roof plus someone’s utility cost or being lower than that,” Musk said at the meeting according to the Eletrek report. “That’s one of the cheapest roofs available. So you can have a great roof with better economics than a normal fairly cheap roof and your utility bill.” Musk also said the “typical homeowner can expect to pay $21.85 per square foot for a Solar Roof.”

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