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Photo credit: U.S. Air Force photo/Sarah Corrice

Air Force Testing First All Electric Vehicle Fleet in California

Dec. 17, 2014
The U.S. Air Force recently replaced its entire general-purpose fleet with plug-in electric vehicles at Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo, Calif.

The U.S. Air Force recently replaced its entire general-purpose fleet with plug-in electric vehicles  at Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo, Calif. The base's electric vehicle fleet, consisting of 42 vehicles, including sedans, pick-up trucks and mini vans, of which 36 will be vehicle-to-grid capable, is the largest operational V2G demonstration in the world. The PEV fleet includes both electric and hybrid vehicles ranging from sedans to trucks and a 12-passenger van.

The vehicles have the capability to direct power both to and from the electrical grid when they’re not being driven, known as vehicle-to-grid technology. Unique charging stations have been installed on Los Angeles AFB to support the vehicles’ V2G capability. The V2G technology enables the vehicles to provide more than 700 kilowatts of power to the grid, sufficient power for more than 140 American homes. The vehicles also enhance the power grid’s reliability and security by balancing demand against supply without having to use reserves or standby generators. Details

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