

Drexel University team reprograms LED lighting system into giant Tetris game on Philadelphia skyscraper

April 7, 2014
Lee and his colleagues set a Guinness World Record last year for the “Largest Architectural Video Game Display” by inviting Philadelphia residents to play the arcade classic Pong.

This New York Times video on the world’s biggest game of Tetris explores how Frank Lee, director of Drexel University’s Entrepreneurial Game Studio, and his colleagues at the school recently turned Philadelphia’s Cira Centre into a giant monitor by reprogramming the lighting system of 29-story  skyscraper.

The Times article said: “This is the second year in a row that Lee and his collaborators used the Cira Centre to recreate a bit of gaming fun. They set a Guinness World Record last year for the “Largest Architectural Video Game Display” by inviting city residents to play the arcade classic Pong.

"With this year’s event, Mr. Lee expected to break that record. ‘It’s twice as big,’ he said, noting that this year’s event was played on two sides of the building, not just one.”

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