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EnergyWatch News: Wiedenbach-Brown’s Chris Brown says the Forecast Calls for Pain

Aug. 25, 2014
There’s a Must-Read in Bill Attardi’s EnergyWatchNews today by Chris Brown, CEO, of lighting specialist Wiedenbach-Brown, Hawthorne, N.Y.

There’s a Must-Read in Bill Attardi’s EnergyWatch News today by Chris Brown, CEO, oflighting specialist Wiedenbach-Brown, Hawthorne, N.Y.  In “How and why SSL, the Internet and Amazon Supply could change everything for Lighting Distribution,” In this blog post Brown says:

“Five years ago, we were in the light bulb business. Today we’re in the semiconductor business. Five years ago, we were dealing with three lamp companies. Today we’re dealing with a dozen or more. Five years ago, no one asked whether Philips, Osram or GE would still be in business in 5 years. Today we get asked that legitimate question about every SSL startup.

"Five years ago, no one asked about LM79 and LM80 tests, performance warranties, driver failure, flicker, whose chip is being used, future proofed lighting etc. Today, these questions are routine. Five years ago seems like ancient history! Today, I’m thinking about 5 years from now. I’m not a weather forecaster, but I can feel a storm coming.”

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