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Lighting veteran Bill Attardi speaks his mind today on wwwenergywatchnewscom in his post quotGet Real Transitions Are Always Messyquot

Lighting Veterans Debate Future of LED Lighting in

Dec. 15, 2014
Great debate now raging on between Chris Brown of Wiedenbach-Brown and lighting veteran Bill Attardi on just how dramatically LEDs will reshape the lighting market.

Great debate now raging on on just how dramatically LEDs will reshape the lighting marketIn a post last week, "Coming Soon ... Illumigeddon (Or the End of Lighting as We've Known It)Chris Brown, CEO, Wiedenbach-Brown, New York, Hawthorne, N.Y., outlines his thoughts of a lighting world with all sorts of new players... and fewer electrical distributors. Don't skip the comments -- they provide some terrific commentary and context.

Lighting veteran Bill Attardi, publisher of has a dramatically different take on LEDs and the role electrical distributors may have in selling them in the future in his post today, "Get Real -- Transitions Are Always Messy."

Both posts, as well "The Forecast Calls for Pain," a previous post in, by Mr. Brown, are must reading for anyone selling LEDs.

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