Source: Google's Green Blog

Google to invest $103 million in Golden State PV project

Oct. 10, 2013
Learn more about Google's 13th major investment in renewable energy.
Google announced today that it’s investing $103 million in Mount Signal Solar, a 265.7 MW solar photovoltaic plant in Imperial County, Calif. The project, which is owned and operated by Silver Ridge Power (formerly AES Solar), will generate enough energy to power 80,000 homes, will also create over 900 construction jobs in a part of the state that suffers from high unemployment.
The post on the Google Green Blog said the energy from Mount Signal Solar has been contracted to San Diego Gas & Electric, will help California meet its goal of procuring more energy procured from renewable sources.
 Said Google proudly, Thirteen renewable energy investments in three years! That’s a lot of energy—the over $1 billion we’ve committed to these projects will generate enough electricity each year to power more than 500,000 U.S. homes. Why are we making these investments? It’s simple: we believe in a clean energy future, and we think that companies like ours can help make it happen. We invest in these projects because they make business sense, because they help put more renewable energy on the grid, and because they have a positive impact on the local economies where they operate.”

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