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May 17, 2012

A Look Back: Giants of Our Times

July 11, 2014
10 People, Companies and Trends that Made A Difference in the Electrical Market.

With Electrical Wholesaling magazine’s 95th anniversary next year just around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to recognize some of the people, companies and industry trends that changed the electrical market. In our first "Giants of Our Times" photo gallery, I have recognized a few of the industry leaders and key trends that made a difference in the electrical wholesaling industry. Over the next few months I will include others.

I borrowed the title of these retrospectives, “Giants of Our Times,” from several advertising sections that Tom Preston wrote for the magazine back in the 1980s in which he profiled some of the industry leaders from his generation who made a difference in our industry. I never learned to write quite as well as Tom, but I share the same love for the industry. I don’t think he will mind that I borrowed the title of his special advertising sections for this feature.

Jim Lucy

Chief Editor

Electrical Wholesaling