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Wiseway Wins Marketing Awards

July 1, 2003
Wiseway Supply, Florence, Ky., recently received two awards and one honorable mention for their marketing activities. Imark Group presented Wiseway with

Wiseway Supply, Florence, Ky., recently received two awards and one honorable mention for their marketing activities.

Imark Group presented Wiseway with the Marketing Activity of the Year Award for its annual showcase of products, which offered the group a look at how creative a distributor can be with an event. With a “Margaritaville/Jimmy Buffet” theme, bright orange invitations were sent to customers asking them to attend a pig roast complete with wild decorations and a Caribbean band. While the trappings were fun, the more-than-50 vendors lining the aisles with merchandise were the most important pieces of the event. All of these pieces together hit the Imark award's main criteria: impact on sales, vendor participation and uniqueness.

Wiseway also won “Best of the Best” recognition from the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) in the category of direct promotions. This award was achieved for the “High Voltage” promotion, where contractors earned points to obtain merchandise — from electronic gadgets to a trip to Cancun. NAED also presented Wiseway with an honorable mention for the Showcase of Products in the events category.

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