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President of NorthEast Electrical Distributors Teaches Operations Management

June 30, 2009
Don Block, President of NorthEast Electrical Distributors, Canton, Mass., recently shared his experience and knowledge of distributor operations with

Don Block, President of NorthEast Electrical Distributors, Canton, Mass., recently shared his experience and knowledge of distributor operations with Quinnipiac University students as a guest lecturer for the university's Operations Management class. The undergraduate course, provided through the university's School of Business, focuses on teaching students how companies can use inventories, capacity, logistics, workforce and facilities to maximize profitability.

In a presentation that focused on both NorthEast and its parent company Sonepar USA, Block offered an in-depth overview of the distribution industry as a whole, as well as the distributor's role within the supply chain. In addition, he provided discussion and analysis of some of the most pressing issues of the day. Topics included energy efficiency, employee training and retention, eBusiness opportunities and more.

“As an alumnus of Quinnipiac University, it was extremely rewarding to address such an engaged and interested group of students,” Block said. “The group asked numerous questions about the inner workings of the electrical distribution industry and the career opportunities that it offers.”

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