The 2003 annual report of Noland Co., Newport News, Va., earned a national award in the 2004 Nicholson Awards given by the nonprofit National Association of Investors Corp. (NAIC), Royal Oak, Mich.
NAIC evaluated reports submitted by 343 publicly traded companies and recognized Noland and four other companies as “the 2004 national award winners for the best annual reports.” Judges rated entries on content, financial reporting and design.
Noland's 2003 annual report was produced by the company's corporate communications and finance divisions in collaboration with Beatley Gravitt Communications, a Richmond-Va., design and communications firm.
Noland Co., a wholesale distributor of plumbing, air conditioning, water systems, electrical and industrial products, ranked No. 88 on Electrical Wholesaling's most recent “Top 200” with $59.2 million in electrical sales.
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