A new read from the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW), Effective Sales Incentive Design for Distributors: What's the Right Plan? is designed for distribution executives and sales managers who are looking for the answer to this question: “How can I get my sales reps to just do what I want them to do?” says NAW.
If you are looking for a how-to book on creating and implementing an aligned and effective sales compensation program, authors Mike Emerson and Steve Deist have filled this book with actionable steps, detailed information and formulas on sales compensation structures and mechanisms, along with plenty of case studies from the front lines of the distribution industry. They focus on maximizing the financial return from the field sales force and describe a series of proven steps that have worked with other distributors.
Among the topics covered are picking the right tool, getting strategic clarity, aligning the sales force organization, incentive structure fundamentals, relative performance techniques and implementation guidelines.