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Merson Offers Protection Intelligence Quiz

Aug. 1, 2012
Fuse maker Mersen, Newburyport, Mass., (formerly Ferraz Shawmut), recently published a new Protection Intelligence Quotient (PIQ) Quiz on protecting power

Fuse maker Mersen, Newburyport, Mass., (formerly Ferraz Shawmut), recently published a new Protection Intelligence Quotient (PIQ) Quiz on protecting power electronics applications. This is the latest quiz in an ongoing program that challenges participants to see if they're up to speed on the best practices in electrical safety and reliability. The quiz is online at Participants may take the quiz and enter to win a $100 gift card. Three winners are selected every month, and no purchase is necessary.

The increasing demand for energy has increased the need for power converters. Efficiency, cost and size are top priorities in the development of power converters. Mersen's latest PIQ examines these considerations and looks at products bundled for various applications. With the educational PIQ program, design engineers, specifiers, electrical professionals and equipment manufacturers can discover how much they know about the hazards that can harm people, equipment and investments.

“We are clearly filling a need for electrical protection and safety information,” said Stephen Colvin, vice president of marketing at Mersen. “Many visitors take the latest quiz and then move on to take earlier archived quizzes on topics such as arc flash hazard protection, overvoltage protection and selective coordination.”

The 2012 PIQ quiz program runs through Dec. 31.

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