“We have been very fortunate to receive such a positive response from many distributors and manufacturers in the industry. Being from the Industry and working for the Industry has proven to be the right formula. Our real world industry experience has allowed us to find top talent quickly for our clients. We are currently working on a number of quality searches and are looking for candidates for sales, sales management, engineering, product management and operational type roles.”
Key features of the site include GRN Coastal’s College for Hire program; the ability for candidates to confidentially upload resumes to begin their search; GRN’s Talent Assessment Process for pre-employment testing; and information on GRN Coastal’s proprietary Talent Connector program. The press releases said GRN Coastal, now in its second year, had a very successful first year, earning recognition as one of top revenue producing locations throughout the GRN corporate network of almost 200 locations.
For more information on GRN Coastal’s capabilities, call John Salvadore at 508-589-6022 or email him at [email protected].