Electrical supply houses and contractors interested in how to recondition or test and inspect the quality of recycled electrical conduit, fittings and accessories now have 40 technical standards to guide them, courtesy of the Professional Electrical Apparatus Recyclers League (PEARL).
Founded in 1997, PEARL is an electrical apparatus recycling trade association that creates, collects and disseminates information, policies, procedures and standards to ensure the proper recycling and reuse of electrical power equipment.
PEARL's new conduit, fittings and accessories recycling standards cover metal, non-metallic, explosion-proof and PVC coated conduit, fittings and accessories. The standards include information on nipples, threaded couplings, elbows, liquid-tight connectors and outlets; wire and cable connectors; junction and pull boxes; reducers, hubs and fixture hangers; seals and sealing cement; and a variety of miscellaneous fittings.
As with every PEARL standard, the Conduit, Fittings & Accessories standards have been reviewed by third-party professional engineers. To download the full recycling standards, go to the PEARL website www.pearl1.org.
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