
Copper thief nabbed at Electrical Wholesalers’ branch in Middletown, Conn.

Feb. 3, 2014
The burglar came through a hatch on the roof. Electrical Wholesalers had security video of several other thefts of copper wire and cable and  police used those tapes to catch the alleged thief.

Video security tapes and some close coordination between Electrical Wholesalers/USESI and the Middletown Police Dept. in Middletown, Conn., resulted in the arrest of a burglar on charges of third-degree burglary, possession or burglary tools, sixth-degree larceny and third-degree criminal mischief, for attempting to steel copper wire.

According to a Feb. 1 report posted at www.middletownpress.com, after receiving several burglary complaints from Electrical Wholesalers of theft of copper wiring: “The department’s Investigative Services Division set up surveillance early in the morning to see if the suspect would return. And around 6:30 a.m., a man made entry into the building through a hatchway in the roof. He landed on metal storage bins, never touching the floor, police said.

“Police watched the suspect walk on top of the bins until he found the copper wire they believe he came for. He was arrested on the roof as he was trying to make his escape.”

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