
Affiliated Distributors Q2 Sales Grew 8%

Aug. 7, 2014
Affiliated Distributors (AD), Wayne, Pa., reported 8% growth across all of its divisions in the second quarter. Total sales for the first half of the year were $15 billion.

Affiliated Distributors (AD), Wayne, Pa., reported 8% growth across all of its divisions in the second quarter. Total sales for the first half of the year were $15 billion. By division, AD Member second quarter sales grew as follows: Electrical up 6%; Industrial up 8%; Plumbing/PVF up 9%; HVAC up 11%; and Building Materials up 18%. AD members hired 2,203 new employees, opened 89 new locations and made three acquisitions during 2Q 2014. "The second quarter showed an impressive rebound from a first quarter that was strongly impacted by weather,” said Bill Weisberg, AD’s chairman and CEO.

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