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The National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association (NEMRA), Portsmouth, N.H., said its upcoming Sales Leadership Executive Education Course at The Wharton School is filled to capacity.
Participants will be on campus at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia from Nov. 17-19. The NEMRA attendees, taught by the Wharton faculty, will discuss subject's specific to the electrical industry and utilize a NEMRA custom business case as the framework for class discussion. Strategy development, marketing and branding, sales force design, line portfolio management and leadership/people development will be key topic areas to be explored over the three-day session.
"We applaud our inaugural NEMRA participants for their desire to enhance their skills, learn new concepts, and grow as sales leaders in their businesses. Attending Wharton is a significant investment and one that distinguishes them and their firms as being committed to professional growth," said Ken Hooper, president of NEMRA, in an association press release. "Investing in professional development is important to our members and we commend our class of 2015 for their commitment to learning."
The participants in the 2015 NEMRA Sales Leadership Course at Wharton are:
Joe Gately - A.A. MacPherson Co., Inc.
Jeff Carden - AJB Sales
Bill Moser - AM Engineered Sales
Doug Cuneo - CET & Associates
Tim Cuneo - CET & Associates
Jamey Yore - Coresential
Joe Tumlin - Coresential
Robin Conway - Coresential
Kevin Venezia - Damin Sales
John Bovyer, Jr. - Electrical Sales of Ohio
Jeff Starkman - ElectroTech
Greg Reynolds - Flynn & Reynolds
Pat Gormley - Gormley-Farrington
Jarret Golwitzer - Integrated Sales
Tim Klinger - I-PRO
Greg Baker - J.D. Martin
Jeff Anderson - J.D. Martin
John Hoelz - J.F. Nolan
Gabe Schill- Locust Sales
Mitch Sukonick - Locust Sales
Frank Balsama, Jr. - Pollart Electrical
Scott Lee - Powerco
Mike Hall - R/B Sales
Larry Rodger - Synergy Electrical
Michael Dulion - Tower Sales
Christy Goss - Unity Electrical
Tom Plesich - VantagePQ Solutions
Andreas Sobotta - Hammond Manufacturing
Sean Pesce - Marley
Steve Reynolds - Mersen
Kris Horn - Mulberry
Kim Erwin - Pentair Thermal
Jennifer Eastman - RAB
Larry Gordon - RAB
Terri Dumas - RAB
Terry Crawley - RAB
Chad Hall - Royal Building Products
Chuck Oldaker - Service Wire
Steve Waller - Superior Essex