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2007 Rebate Resource

Feb. 1, 2007
Here's the electrical market's only centralized source of current information on the rebates electric utilities are offering for the installation of energy-efficient electrical products.

Rebate programs are alive and well in 2007, and are helping to fuel a surge of new interest in energy conservation. Federal energy legislation, concerns over fuel prices and energy-efficient building standards and rebates seem to be bolstering a new energy consciousness in the United States.

Electrical Wholesaling's editors found more than 50 rebate programs available through electric utilities, government agencies and public utility commissions. Rebate programs are constantly changing, so check frequently with local utilities on the status of rebates in your market area. These programs are generally funded and budgeted on an annual basis and once funds run dry, no rebates are usually offered until the following year.

The amount of rebates, range of products covered and types of custom rebates and other incentives seem to be bigger than ever in 2007. These programs are still an often underutilized tool that electrical distributors, independent manufacturers' reps and electrical manufacturers should explore if they want to help building owners, end users and other buying influences receive financial assistance for the installation of energy-efficient electrical products in building retrofits and often new construction projects. Distributors, reps and manufacturers in the electrical market don't always have direct contact with the end users who eventually receive the actual rebates. But they should alert the electrical contractors, energy-service companies (ESCOs) and other types of installation companies that work more directly with end users about these rebate programs.

In addition to Electrical Wholesaling's annual updates of utility-rebate programs, a handy resource we recently discovered is the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) Web site at The database is an ongoing project managed by the North Carolina Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. If you want to visit any of these utilities' Web sites, go to and type “2007 Rebate Resource” into the search engine in the right column. These links will all be live.


Golden Valley Electric Association
Fairbanks, Alaska

Phone: (907) 452-1151
Rebates and incentives: BusinessSense program provides commercial customers up to $20,000 in rebates for reducing lighting loads with retrofits.
Web site:


Anaheim Public Utilities
Anaheim, Calif.

Phone: (714) 765-4259
Rebates and incentives: The utility does complete lighting audits and approve selected energy-efficiency improvements before issuing rebates. Incentives based on amount of lighting usage reduced.
Web site:

Burbank Water and Power
Burbank, Calif.

Phone: (818) 238-3638
Rebates and incentives: The Energy Solutions program pays the greater of $0.05 per kilowatt-hour saved or $150 per kilowatt demand saved, both over half the expected lifetime of the installation. Lighting rebates don't exceed 50 percent of the project cost. Motor rebates are also available.
Web site:

City of Lompac
Lompac, Calif.

Phone: (805) 736-1261
Rebates and incentives: Electronic ballasts operating T-8 lamps and LED exit signs.
Web site:

City of Palo Alto
Palo Alto, Calif.

Phone: (650) 329-2241
Rebates and incentives: Screw-in compact and hard-wired compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs); T8 and T5 fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts; reflectors; interior and exterior HID lamps; pulse-start, metal-halide lamps; LED exit signs; occupancy sensors; photocells; time clocks; variable-frequency drives; and motors.
Web site:

Los Angeles Department of Power and Water
Los Angeles, Calif.

Phone: (213) 367-4215
Rebates and incentives: The Commercial Lighting Efficiency Offer (CLEO) offers rebates for hard-wired compact fluorescent lamps; T8 fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts and energy-efficient fixtures; LED exit signs; induction lamps and fixtures; occupancy sensors. Check for updates on motors.
Web site:

Modesto Irrigation District
Modesto, Calif.

Phone: (209) 526-7379
Rebates and incentives: Rebates are awarded for installation of energy-efficient lighting and motors. Custom rebate programs are also available.
Web site:

Pacific Gas & Electric
San Francisco, Calif.

Phone: (800) 468-4743
Rebates and incentives: One of the most robust rebate programs. Products include but are not limited to T5 or T8 lamps with electronic ballasts; HID fixtures and pulse-start, metal-halide lamps; occupancy sensors; photocells; time clocks; LED exit signs; motors; and variable-frequency drives.
Web site:

Redding Electric Utility
Redding, Calif.

Phone: (530) 339-7215
Rebates and incentives: T8 and T5 lighting systems with electronic ballasts; LED exit signs; and occupancy sensors.
Web site:

San Diego Gas & Electric
San Diego, Calif.

Phone: (800) 644-6133
Rebates and incentives: The Express Efficiency program is another leader in utility-rebate programs. Users can get up to $350,000 a year in rebates! Products covered in the 2007 program include screw-in CFLs; T8 and T5 fluorescents with electronic ballasts; pulse-start exterior and interior HID lamps; occupancy sensors; LED exit signs; photocells; time clocks; and variable-frequency drives for fan applications.
Web site:

Silicon Valley Power
Santa Clara, Calif.

Phone: (408) 615-5694
Rebates and incentives: HID lamps and fixtures; electronic ballasts; T5 and T8 fluorescent lamps; occupancy sensors; photo cells; time clocks; LED exit signs; motors; and variable-frequency drives.
Web site:

Southern California Edison
Rosemead, Calif.

Phone: (800) 736-4777
Rebates and incentives: Wide variety of rebates and incentives, including the Standard Performance Contract, which covers energy-efficient fluorescent lighting systems, and the Express Efficiency program, which covers a similar range of products to those covered by the San Diego Gas & Electric program.
Web site:


Connecticut Light & Power/Northeast Utilities System
Hartford, Conn.

Phone: (877) 943-3873
Rebates and incentives: Retrofit of metal-halide, mercury-vapor and high-pressure sodium lamps to pulse-start metal-halide lamps; T8 lamps and electronic ballasts; occupancy sensors; and motors covered in the MotorUp program.
Web site:

United Illuminating
New Haven, Conn.

Phone: (877) 943-3873
Rebates and incentives: MotorUp program for energy-efficient motors and custom incentives for building retrofits.
Web site:


Florida Power & Light
Miami, Fla.

Phone: (800) 375-5566
Rebates and incentives: T8 lamps with electronic ballasts; permanent and screw-in CFLs.
Web site:

Tampa Electric Co.
Tampa, Fla.

Phone: (813) 228-4108
Rebates and incentives: Commercial/industrial customers that achieve a minimum lighting reduction of 1,000W are eligible for incentives.
Web site:


Hawaiian Electric
Honolulu, Hawaii

Phone: (808) 947-6937
Rebates and incentives: The EnergySolutions for Business program offers rebates for T8 lamps with electronic ballasts; reflectors; high-pressure sodium and metal-halide lamps; occupancy sensors; and LED exit signs.
Web site:


Idaho Power
Boise, Idaho

Phone: (208) 388-2403
Rebates and incentives: Incentives based on kilowatt-hours saved; specific incentives for occupancy sensors and high-efficiency exit signs. Large commercial and industrial customers may receive a financial incentive of up to $100,000 for modifying and improving the energy efficiency of an electrical process.
Web site:


Duke Energy
Plainfield, Ind.

Phone: (800) 283-7341
Rebates and incentives: Commercial and industrial customers can receive up to $50,000 annually in rebates for installation of T8 and T5 lamps with electronic ballasts; screw-in and hard-wired CFLs; LED exit signs; pulse-start metal-halide lamps; and motors.
Web site:


Alliant Energy
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Phone: (800) 255-4268
Rebates and incentives: CFLs and fixtures; electronic ballasts; metal-halide lamps of less than 250W; pulse-start, metal-halide lamps; high-pressure sodium lamps; occupancy sensors; and exit signs.
Web site:

MidAmerican Energy Co.
Des Moines, Iowa

Phone: (800) 894-9599
Rebates and incentives: T8 and T5 systems; pulse-start, metal-halide lamps; CFLs and fixtures; occupancy sensors; LED exit signs; motors; and variable-speed drives.
Web site:


New Orleans, La.

Phone: (800) 368-3749
Rebates and incentives: Based on energy saved.
Web site:


Maine Public Utilities Commission
Augusta, Maine

Phone: (866) 376-2463
Rebates and incentives: The Efficiency Maine program covers T8 lamps and electronic ballasts; hard-wired CFLs; LED exit signs; occupancy sensors; variable-frequency drives; and motors. Custom rebates also available.
Web site:


Cape Light Compact
Barnstable, Mass.

Phone: (800) 797-6699
Rebates and incentives: Performance-based incentives for most common energy-efficient lighting products. Incentives also available for installation of variable-speed drives and energy-efficient motors.
Web site:

Granite State Electric/National Grid
North Andover, Mass.

E-mail: [email protected]
Rebates and incentives: New construction and retrofit applications for T8 or T5 fluorescent lighting systems with electronic ballasts; reflectors; compact fluorescent fixtures; pulse-start, metal-halide lamps, controls and fixtures; LED exit signs; occupancy sensors; daylight dimming systems; motors that qualify for MotorUp; and variable-speed drives.
Web site:

Massachusetts Electric/National Grid
Northborough, Mass.

Phone: (800) 322-3223
Rebates and incentives: Motors that qualify for MotorUp; variable-speed drives; T8 fluorescent lighting systems with electronic ballasts; pulse-start, metal-halide lamps; CFLs; occupancy sensors; and LED exit signs.
Web site:

Nantucket Electric/National Grid
Nantucket, Mass.

E-mail: [email protected]
Rebates and incentives: Rebates and incentives use same National Grid program as Massachusetts Electric.
Web site:

NSTAR Electric & Gas
Westwood, Mass.

Phone: (781) 441-8592
Rebates and incentives: T8 lighting systems with electronic ballasts; reflectors; high-efficiency troffers; CFLs and fixtures with dimmable ballasts; LED exit signs; occupancy sensors; daylight dimming systems; motors that qualify for the MotorUp program; and variable-speed drives.
Web site:

Western Massachusetts Electric/Northeast Utilities System
West Springfield, Mass.

Phone: (413) 785-5871
Rebates and incentives: Rebates of up to $25,000 per year for T8 fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts; upgrades of metal-halide, mercury-vapor or high-pressure sodium fixtures to pulse-start metal-halide lamps; replacement of incandescent fixtures with circline or compact fluorescent fixtures; retrofit or replacement of incandescent or compact fluorescent; exit signs with LED technology; and use of occupancy sensors or lighting controls.
Web site:


Dakota Electric Association
Farmington, Minn.

Phone: (651) 463-6212
Rebates and incentives: Adjustable-speed drives, lighting products; and motors.
Web site:

Minnesota Power
Duluth, Minn.

Phone: (218) 722-5642; ext. 2909
Rebates and incentives: PowerGrant rebates cover T8 and T5 lighting systems with electronic ballasts; screw-in or hard-wired CFLs; pulse-start, metal-halide lamps; LED exit signs; occupancy sensors; photo cells; and motors.
Web site:

Otter Tail Power Co.
Fergus Falls, Minn.

Phone: (218) 739-8200
Rebates and incentives: If industrial, commercial and agricultural customers in Minnesota reduce total wattage by at least 12 percent, they can receive rebates for the installation of T8 lamps and electronic ballasts; compact fluorescents; and energy-efficient HID lighting. The rebate for occupancy sensors is 10 percent of total product cost. Rebates exceeding $2,500 must be pre-approved.
Web site:

Xcel Energy
Minneapolis, Minn.

Phone: (800) 328-8226
Rebates and incentives: T5 and T8 lamps with electronic ballasts; hardwired CFLs; pulse-start metal-halide lamps; LED exit signs; occupancy sensors; photocells; motors; and variable-frequency drives. Custom rebates also available.
Web site:


Northwestern Energy
Helena, Mont.

Phone: (800) 823-5995
Rebates and incentives: Montana customers should check the Efficiency Plus program, which includes rebates for T8 lamps with electronic ballasts; metal-halide lighting systems; screw-in and hard-wired CFLs; LED exit signs; photocells; and occupancy sensors.
Web site:

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Electric Co-op
Plymouth, N.H.

Phone: (800) 698-2007
Rebates and incentives: Products covered include energy-efficient lighting systems; motors; and variable-frequency drives and LED traffic lights.
Web site:

Public Service of New Hampshire/
Northeast Utilities System
Manchester, N.H.

Phone: (800) 662-7764
Rebates and incentives: T8 fluorescent lighting systems; motors; and variable-speed drives.
Web site:

New Jersey

Atlantic City Electric
Mays Landing, N.J.

Phone: (800) 642-3780
Rebates and incentives: Atlantic City Electric is one of several utilities in New Jersey and New York that bases its energy-efficiency programs on the New Jersey SmartStart Buildings program, which offers a robust array of financial incentives. The other utilities are Jersey Central Power & Light, Public Service Electric and Gas, and Rockland Electric Co. The financing and incentives that this program offers for energy-efficient electrical products is beyond the scope of this article. Check the Web site for more details and updates.
Web sites: and

Jersey Central Power & Light/First Energy Companies
Morristown, N.J.

Phone: (800) 662-3115
Rebates and incentives: See Atlantic City Electric for information on New Jersey's SmartStart Buildings program.
Web sites: and

Public Service Electric & Gas
Newark, N.J.

Phone: (800) 854-4444
Rebates and incentives: See Atlantic City Electric for information on New Jersey's SmartStart Buildings program.
Web sites: and

New York

Con Edison
New York, N.Y.

E-mail: [email protected]
Rebates and incentives: New York's EnergySmart program offers conventional and custom rebates for lighting systems and other energy-efficient products.
Web site:

Long Island Power Authority (LIPA)
Uniondale, N.Y.

Phone: (800) 692-2626
Rebates and incentives: LIPA's Clean Energy Initiative offers many different rebates, financial incentives and design assistance. Custom rebates also available.
Web site:

Orange & Rockland/Consolidated Edison
Pearl River, N.Y.

Phone: (877) 434-4100
Rebates and incentives: Financial incentives for energy-efficient retrofits are offered through the New York State Research Energy Development Authority (NYSERDA) and New Jersey's SmartStart Buildings program.
Web sites:, and


Nevada Power/Sierra Pacific Power Companies
Las Vegas, Nev.

Phone: (800) 342-6335
Rebates and incentives: Details on the 2007 Nevada SureBet program were not available at press-time. Check the Web site for updates.
Web site:

Sierra Pacific Power Co.
Reno, Nev.

Phone: (800) 342-6335
Rebates and incentives: Details on the Sierra PowerSureBet program were not available at press-time. Check the Web site for updates.
Web site:


Energy Trust of Oregon
Portland, Ore.

Phone: (877) 510-6800
Rebates and incentives: Customers of Portland General Electric (PGE), Avista and PacifiCorp can earn standard and custom incentives for energy-efficient lighting systems, motors and other energy-efficient electrical equipment.
Web site:

Pacific Power/Pacific Corp.
Portland, Ore.

Phone: (888) 221-7070
Rebates and incentives: Customers can earn standard and custom incentives from the EnergyTrust of Oregon for energy-efficient lighting systems, motors and other energy-efficient electrical equipment.
Web sites: and

Rhode Island

Narragansett Electric Co./National Grid
Providence, R.I.

E-mail: [email protected]
Rebates and incentives: See Nantucket Electric, Massachusetts, and other National Grid utilities.
Web site:


TXU Electric Delivery

Phone: (800) 273-8741
Rebates and incentives: Commercial and Industrial Standard Offer program for 2007 offers incentives based on amount of energy savings.
Web site:


Efficiency Vermont
Rutland, Vt.

Phone: (888) 921-5990
Rebates and incentives: Products covered by the 2007 program include T8 and T5 fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts; screw-in CFLs; occupancy sensors; motors; and variable-frequency drives.
Web site:


Avista Utilities
Spokane, Wash.

Phone: (800) 227-9187
Rebates and incentives: Avista provides customers in Washington and Idaho incentives for hard-wired improvements. The incentive is based on the first-year energy savings.
Web site:

Puget Sound Energy
Bellevue, Wash.

Phone: (800) 562-1482
Rebates and incentives: Products covered by rebate program include screw-in CFLs with fixtures; T8 or T5 lamps with electronic ballasts; metal-halide and high-pressure sodium lighting systems; and LED exit signs.
Web site:

Seattle City Light
Seattle, Wash.

Phone: (206) 684-3254
Rebates and incentives: The Energy Smart Service program offer rebates for the installation of T8 lamps; electronic ballasts; metal-halide lamps; high-pressure sodium lamps; occupancy sensors; LED exit signs; daylight dimming systems; variable-speed drives; and motors.
Web site:


Focus on Energy
Madison, Wis.

E-mail: [email protected]
Rebates and incentives: Eligible customers that purchase and install qualifying lighting equipment and/or controls can receive energy-efficiency incentives up to $5,000 (or more for some large custom nonindustrial applications). The program runs through June 30, 2007.
Web site:

About the Author

Jim Lucy | Editor-in-Chief of Electrical Wholesaling and Electrical Marketing

Jim Lucy has been wandering through the electrical market for more than 40 years, most of the time as an editor for Electrical Wholesaling and Electrical Marketing newsletter, and as a contributing writer for EC&M magazine During that time he and the editorial team for the publications have won numerous national awards for their coverage of the electrical business. He showed an early interest in electricity, when as a youth he had an idea for a hot dog cooker. Unfortunately, the first crude prototype malfunctioned and the arc nearly blew him out of his parents' basement.

Before becoming an editor for Electrical Wholesaling  and Electrical Marketing, he earned a BA degree in journalism and a MA in communications from Glassboro State College, Glassboro, NJ., which is formerly best known as the site of the 1967 summit meeting between President Lyndon Johnson and Russian Premier Aleksei Nikolayevich Kosygin, and now best known as the New Jersey state college that changed its name in 1992 to Rowan University because of a generous $100 million donation by N.J. zillionaire industrialist Henry Rowan. Jim is a Brooklyn-born Jersey Guy happily transplanted with his wife and three sons in the fertile plains of Kansas for the past 30 years. 

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